1)In the expiriment he had a puzzle box where he put a rat in. The rat had to find a way to escape from the box and find it's food. The rat had to drop the lever and pull string to open the door. The rat made several tries. When the rat made more tries he was quicker every time.
2) The law of effect concists of the behavior has to be good and the reaction is more likley to be repeated. If the object is found in that situaton again he is more likely to repeat the reaction.
3) Law of Excercise concists that when the stimlus and the response are close then the object will react to the stimulus quicker.
B.F. Skinner:

2) You can have a possitive reinforcement, you can add something good. Something that animals enjoy. People want the animal to have a good consequence. ex. it happens in dogs when they are being trained.
3) Normally the punishment is negative. When there is a positive consequence and that joy is taken away.
4) There are differences between positive and negative in Operat conditioning. Positive is something given and negative is something that is taken away.