When you have a poor sleep you have poor performance, meaning that when you do not sleep well or sleep to little you may not get the grades that you wanted because your brain is not working at it's full potential. You can see this in your GPA, if you put all your effoft you can get a high score. If you do not sleep well and do not do yout best then your GPA will be affected as well. We should all have a good sleep hygiene to preforme well and obtain the best. Lets not damage our brain and grades because we do not want to sleep early.
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. "Being A Night Owl In High School Is Linked With Lower College GPA." ScienceDaily, 11 June 2009. Web. 3 November 2010. <http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2009/06/090609072813.htm>.
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