Criminal is generally referred to as offenses against the state.” Criminal can be divided in two parts it can be nature or nurture. Nature is genetic and nurture is environmental and it comes from your surroundings.
“There is, in short, a scientific consensus that criminal and antisocial behavior has genetic as well as environmental, sources.” “Scientist also found that the genetic traits such as gender, muscularity and extra Y chromosome can increase the risk of criminal behavior. Some disagree, they say it is genetic like for example this articles that says “There cannot be a gene for crime because ´crime ´does not exist as an entity and definitely does not exist as a biological entity.” There are different opinions of this being nature or nurture because you never know where it really came from. There are also other discoveries like for example if you are being put to an adoptive family and your parents have been part of a criminal you have a higher risk of having criminal behavior. Normally fathers are the ones that are convicted for crimes. When parents are convicted many times it increases the chances of a kid to become like his father. Also if you have a twin that is diagnosed with criminal behavior it is possible the other twin could also have this risk. “As the destiny of poverty increases in cities throughout the world, so will the destiny of joblessness, crime, family dissolution, drug abuse, alcoholism, disease, and violence.” Poverty can increase your possibilities of becoming criminal. Black has a greater violent crime rate then white because of poverty and the type of neighborhood they have. It has to do a lot with how it dominates the neighborhood; they say that if it is black people than it increases the chances of poverty and of criminal. Also the neighborhood where there are more poor people because they are not educated correctly to show them how to become successful in life.
I think that criminal minds are more of a nature thing because it how your parents behave and the people you hang out with. It also depends on the type of neigh hood you live in meaning the level of education people have. For example, if I hang out with people that do drugs more likely I’ll be just like them. I also think that this fits in nature because you are made up of DNA. That DNA is a mixture of your mother and father meaning everything they are and they do will be reflected in you some way. For example, if your father is white the probability is that you are going to be white.
There are many different sides to this but you can only know if you investigate and see people´s emotions and way of acting.
Roleff, Tamara L. Crime and Criminals. California: Greenhaven press. Inc. 2000.
"What is criminal law?". September 9,2010.
I think it is very interesting and well written because she didnt only use one reason fro it to be from nature or nurture, but many and that makes the readers really think it through.