Phineas Gage was born in July 9, 1823 he was an American railroad construction foreman. Handsome...well dressed and confident, even proud." He was remembered for his survival in an accident which a large iron rod that pasted though his head, it destroyed most of the frontal lobe. This affected his personality and his behavior. He also lot the ability to speak and to follow directionsHis friend described him as "no longer Gage".
On September 13, 1848, Phineas Gage was 25 years old; he was building the Ruthland and Burlington Railroad in Vermont. Gage work consisted on putting blasting powder in the body of rock. The power exploded, it made the iron rod pass through his head it was an inch and fourth in (diameter), and three feet and seven inches length. The iron rod entered threw one side of his face, passing through the back of the left eye and put at the top of the head. We learned that each parts of the brain have a function, it showed the way the frontal lobe works and that we can survive with a damage in the brain.
The localization of the brain are the motor is the control of voluntary movement. Somatosensory is the bodily sensations, including heat, cold, pain, pressure, and body position. Vision is the ability to see. Auditory is the ability to hear. Speech production ("motor" speech) is the Ability to produce speech sounds. Speech planning and comprehension ("sensory" speech) is the Ability to plan and understand speech. Biologically-based motives is the Control of drives to satisfy basic biological needs, such as hunger and thirst. Limbic functions is the Regulation of emotions.
"The left hemisphere specializes in analytical thought. The left hemisphere deals with hard facts: abstractions, structure, discipline and rules, time sequences, mathematics, categorizing, logic and rationality and deductive reasoning, knowledge, details, definitions, planning and goals, words, productivity and efficiency, science and technology, stability, extraversion, physical activity, and the right side of the body. The left hemisphere is emphasized in our educational system and in our society in general, for better or for worse; as Marshall McLuhan speculated, "The day when bureaucracy becomes right hemisphere will be utopia.' "